Nicole Luiken wrote her first book at age 13 and never stopped.
She is the author of fourteen published books for young adults, including Violet Eyes and its sequels Silver Eyes, Angel Eyes and Golden Eyes, Frost, Unlocking the Doors, The Catalyst, Escape to the Overworld, Dreamfire, the sequel Dreamline and the Otherselves trilogy. Her latest release is Feral. She also has an adult thriller, Running on Instinct, under the name N.M. Luiken and a fantasy romance series, Gate to Kandrith and Soul of Kandrith.
Nicole lives with her family in Edmonton, AB. It is physically impossible for her to go more than three days in a row without writing.
Finalist Snow Willow Award
Gate to Kandrith:

Finalist Monica Hughes Science Fiction and Fantasy Award (CCBC)
Calgary Public Library Foundation Literary Award finalist
Moonbeam Gold-medal 2010
Stellar Award Nominee
Golden Eagle Book Award Runnerup
Golden Eagle Children’s Choice Award, 2008
Red Maple Honour Book 2009
Stellar Award Nominee
Sunburst Award Honourable Mention
CCBC Our Choice selection 2008
Violet Eyes:
Golden Eagle Children’s Choice Award, 2002